Professionals-In-Training Case Conference - Call for submissions

(Previously known as the fellows case conference)

The AAHPM Professionals-In-Training Special Interest Group (PIT SIG) is now opening the call for case submissions for the case conference that is part of the Annual Assembly in Salt Lake City from February 14-17th, 2007.

There are 6 case slots available and the call is open to any medical professional in a training program (Fellow, Resident, Medical Student, Nursing Student, Social Worker, Chaplain, etc.) . Each case will be allotted 20 minutes.

For details and to review the submission process please click here.

If you have difficulties with the submission process, please email csinclair at kchospice dot org

See past cases from 2005 and 2006.

Submission Deadline: Friday, 11/3/2006
Cases Announced: Friday, 11/10/2006
Conference: 2/14-2/17/2007

(Cross-posted to Pallimed blog)
Monday, July 10, 2006